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Eugene Field Elementary

Preparing Today's Students for Tomorrow's World

What does a school counselor do?

​​​​​​​What does a school counselor do, anyway?

The elementary school counselor works with staff and parents to support the personal, social, emotional, and academic growth of all students. Taking into consideration the "whole child," the counselor takes a team approach to problem solving with students, teachers, and parents.


The counselor supports children in the areas of school adjustment, dealing with stress, building self-confidence, improving conflict resolution and friendship skills, knowing and expressing feelings, coping with family changes, and developing school success skills. The counselor counsels students individually or in small groups to help them resolve or cope with issues that may interfere with learning. The school counselor presents lessons and activities that meet students' developmental needs or address specific classroom issues. The school counselor is a resource for students, teachers, and parents.



We are here to help you with:
Developing study skills
Getting organized
Improving your grades
Adjusting to a new school or grade
Making friends
Resolving conflicts
Dealing with peer pressure
Developing self-confidence and responsibility
Exploring your interests, abilities, and talents



We are here to help you with:
Helping your child to have a positive school experience
Meeting your child's individual needs
Understanding the developmental stages of childhood
Improving communication with your child
Locating community resources



We can collaborate with you on:
Improving student academic performance
Meeting the social and emotional needs of students
Understanding and modifying student behavior
Incorporating developmental topics into classroom lessons
Conferencing with parents